.22s and Lots of Shooting Fun
My .22 Caliber 1911s
I like the idea of a .22 caliber conversion unit for the 1911 .45 caliber handgun. I had rather have a conversion than a separate .22 caliber handgun in most cases. It makes good sense to be able to fire a sub load for inexpensive practice in your service pistol. Self loading .22s are a lot of fun if they work reliably. If they do not work reliably then they are an aggravating nuisance. Like many of you I own good reliable .22s but I have also attempted to use the other types as well. No matter what I did in the way of lubrication and ammunition selection the pistols would not work. I have tested a number of good .22 caliber conversions units. They normally use an aluminum slide to reduce weight. The whole slide recoils rather than just the bolt in the case of a Ruger or Browning .22 rimfire. They work well enough but there is some feel and accuracy lost in using an aluminum slide.
A market was thought to exist for a premium grade conversion unit. After all a good 1911 may set your back well over a thousand dollars. Tactical Solutions of Boise Idaho manufactures the Pac Lite conversion for Ruger .22s and now is manufacturing an all steel unit for the 1911. These conversions are well made of good material and if you own a good 1911 less expensive than purchasing a Smith and Wesson Model 41 target pistol. The Tactical Solutions conversion is all steel. The balance feels right and the 2211 is designed to work with both Government Model and Commander length frames. The version I tested features a four and one half inch barrel. The unit may be ordered with the handy Picatinny rail without sights or a combination of sights and rail. The 2211 comes standard with a first class adjustable rear sight and a post front sight. There was also a fiber optic front sight packaged with the conversion unit. The front sight is easily changed.
When attached to the frame the barrel remains fixed and the sights are attached to the barrel. The bolt recoils independently. The bolt features front and rear cocking serrations. The unit is well solid, well made, with no tools marks to be found. The finish is excellent. The only aluminum part of the conversion is a hefty aluminum magazine. The magazine side walls are thick enough and the base plate solid for positive seating. The magazine spring is strong enough for function and the feed device holds ten rounds. The magazine is one reason there were no failures of any type when firing the conversion.
With respect to the top end nature of this conversion I mounted the 2211 on my Rock River Arms 1911 A 1 pistol. The .45 caliber Rock River is a great all around 1911.
My example sports Paladin custom grips, forward grip strap checkering, Bomar sights, and a Bar Sto Precision barrel. If I had a favorite 1911 this would be the one. When mounted the 2211 unit and Rock River frame weigh approximately forty one ounces, about an ounce more than the .45 caliber pistol. The fit was perfect and should be with any Series 70 or Mil Spec type handgun.
This is the type of handgun that will cause you to hunker down on the bench rest and massage the trigger for those little groups we are all so proud of. And that is just fine. The 2211 produces excellent accuracy. I think that the 2211 is less dependent upon the frame than some for accuracy, but the Rock River Arm’s pistols perfect four pound trigger compression is certainly an aid in producing good practical accuracy. On the other hand the pistol is also a blast at falling plates and steel targets. I tried my best to keep the Mike Gibson rimfire pepper popper ringing and I did a great job. Put the front sight on the target, press the trigger, and you have a hit. I am not certain at this point how much ammunition I have fired in the 2211 but it is well over 4,000 rounds. I have fired Winchester Wildcat for the most part, with good results. A local shop had the Winchester Dyna Point on sale for the same price so this was a no brainer. The Dyna Point is an excellent hunting load. The squirrel population may be thinned this winter as the 2211 is certainly a proper hunting pistol. The pistol also digested several loads found as best we could during the ammunition shortages of 2009. Federal Champion brand gave good results. As for reliability, there were no failures to feed, chamber fire or eject. Most .22 caliber conversions become sluggish at 250 to 300 rounds without cleaning, and the 2211 became sluggish at about the 600 round mark but never malfunctioned. .22 caliber ammunition is dirtier than center fire ammunition so clean the 2211 every three hundred rounds or so.
During ammunition testing we discovered that the majority of high velocity 36 grain .22 Long Rifle loadings produce 960 to 1020 fps. Federal was a little faster than Wildcat, with the Wildcat proving a little more accurate. As for accuracy, the .22 caliber Tactical Solutions unit gave an excellent showing. When firing from a careful bench rest at a long 25 yards it was not unusual to produce a one and one half inch group with bulk produced ammunition. The shining moment came with a singular one inch group with the Winchester Dyna Point. Frankly, this is probably as close as I am able to hold. Experimentation with different loads may produce better accuracy but then perhaps not.
I believe that firing at small targets, off hand, at known and unknown distances builds marksmanship. When you know the off hand shot at a squirrel is the only one you will get you line the sights up properly and press the trigger correctly.
The 2211 conversion is a marksman’s dream. The unit is well made of good material and there is little recoil. The 2211 responds well to a trained shooter. While the .22 has light recoil, the cartridge will kill game cleanly and not disappoint. This one is a keeper.
I can see a board meeting at Chiappa. They recognize a market and they wish to get in with an inexpensive pistol that 1911 shooters will purchase. Like many of you I enjoy my .22 caliber conversions and own several. And like many other shooters over time I have gravitated to owning a designated frame for the conversion units. I built up a Caspian frame specifically for the purpose of housing a .22 caliber conversion unit on a permanent basis. There are factory purpose built 1911 .22s that are expensive although well worth the price. The design goal for the Chiappa was to produce an inexpensive 1911 look alike that would function. They have succeeded. The Chiappa features a 1911 profile. The slide lock and slide release work in proven 1911 fashion, although there is no grip safety. The controls are all 1911. The pistol features GI type sights and particularly nice grips that have an aged GI type look that most of us will find attractive. The pistol is of aluminum construction, both slide and frame. The barrel is fixed while the lightweight slide moves in recoil. The takedown is 1911 like, with the barrel bushing moved to remove the slide from the frame. Chiappa cautions that conventional 1911 type accuracy work such as tightening the slide does not work with this pistol. I would be very leery of attempting a trigger job or other work as the metal is not heat treated as center fire handguns are. This is one we need to enjoy as it is. And while we accept modern improvements such as ramped barrels and even polymer frames and still refer to the piece as a 1911, this pistol is 1911 in appearance only. But it is close enough for government work.
The first thing I noticed upon handling the pistol is its light weight. The Chaippa weighs approximately thirty two ounces. It is heavier than a Commander .45 but seven ounces lighter than a Government Model. Trigger compression is heavy at six and three quarter pounds, but clean enough. The rear sight is wide and broad and the front sight a simple post. There is no adjustment. The pistol is supplied in a locking hard plastic case. This one takes some getting used to. The slide is racked with very little effort. Most .22
self loaders are striker fired. It was a neat trick to design a hammer controlled by a spring. Very little effort is required to cock this hammer. Overall, the feeling is much different than that of a centerfire 1911 handgun. An advantage is that the Chiappa fits 1911 holsters.
I think that I should mention at this point that the Chaippa retails for $299 at of this writing. This puts the pistol’s appearance in perspective. But there are nice touches. As an example, the rear sight is adjustable for windage by loosening a set screw set in the top of the sight. A jeweler’s screwdriver is needed. I used the type common available in eye glass repair sets for a few dollars. A final touch is a manual safety that is activated by a small tool supplied with the pistol. This safety does not allow the hammer to reach the firing pin when the safety is engaged. I am not surprised by anything I see on modern pistols, and we may use this device or not. For range use I do not load the .22 until I arrive and leave with an unloaded rimfire. The safety has more value as a design feature than for practical use. The firing pin is of the inertia type.
Range work was enlightening. I began by lubricating the pistol and loading the magazines with Winchester Wildcat .22 LR high velocity 40 grain loads. As I often do with new self loaders I aimlessly emptied a few rounds into the berm to check function. Function was brisk. I then began firing at eight inch steel plates at fifteen yards. It was no mean trick to hit them but convincing them to move once hit was another matter. I will use the Mike Gibson rimfire steel pepper the next outing with this pistol. My friends and associates fired the pistol and enjoyed the Chiappa very much. Conducting range drills and quickly changing magazines was deemed good practice for any 1911 shooter. While the 1911-22 is not an ugly handgun it is inexpensive. All shooters commented that the pistol began to look much better after it was shooting! It did not take long to go through several hundred rounds of .22 caliber Winchester ammunition. I carefully examined the pistol for powder and lead buildup. There was some powder build up but my guess is that this pistol was engineered to provide plenty of room for powder ash and old lube to escape rather than impede the action—just like the ‘real 1911’. I will have to comment further on this after we have seen several pistols fire a few thousand rounds but for now the pistol has proven to be quite reliable.
As for accuracy, I got more than I expected. A fixed barrel and a solid fit make for good accuracy and perhaps I should have expected the good results exhibited. The sights are ok as far as they go but the owner’s manual also offers instructions for an adjustable sight model. That will be an interesting handgun. The fixed sights were well regulated for 36 and 40 grain bullets at 25 yards, striking just an inch or so over the point of aim. The heavy trigger was more of a detriment than the sights but it was consistent. With the Winchester Wildcat loads the pistol would group five rounds into less than three inches consistently. The Winchester Dynapoint averaged two and one quarter inches, excellent performance for this type of handgun. The CCI Mini Mag ammunition one of my friends brought along was comparable. I cannot complain at all concerning the accuracy of this handgun. The Chiappa is a great understudy handgun for a 1911 shooter but a more than adequate plinker for anyone who wishes to own a good .22 caliber handgun. Don’t neglect your .22 pistols. When it comes to marksmanship practice and good fun nothing beats a .22.
Tactical Solutions
2181 Commerce Avenue
Boise Idaho 83705
208 333 9901
Chiappa Firearms
6785 West Third Street
Dayton Ohio 45427
HYPERLINK "http://www.chiappafirearms.com" www.chiappafirearms.com
937 835 5000#0;
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Captions for the photo images
The Tactical Solutions .22 conversion is well made of good material and quite handsome.
When coupled with a Rock River Arms frame, the Tactical Solutions 2211 conversion unit proved a money saver. .45 compared with .22 cartridge. .
Adjustable sights are an excellent addition to the Tactical Solutions 2211 conversion unit.
We added Paladin grips (Paladingrips.com) to the RRA pistol. The appeal is striking. .
The 2211 barrel and sights remain fixed when the bolt recoils, adding to accuracy.
The Chiappa .22 is a humble handgun but also a good value with faultless performance.
The Chiappa was the surprise of the year, with good accuracy and reliability at a modest price.
Our associate Lee Berry enjoyed the Chiappa very much and pronounced it a good trainer.
The polymer magazines are a new design that worked in every instance for hundreds of rounds.
The Chiappa is a perfect fit for 1911 holsters, an important consideration.
(Blackhawk! Serpa illustrated.)
The Chiappa 1911-22 set well in the hand and gave good results on the range.
The 1911-22 doing what it does best- making brass. This may be the fun handgun of the year.
Billions of rounds of .22 such as these from CCI/Speer are fired every year-shouldn’t you be in on it?
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